Hello world, Happy Saturday.
Today I decided that I would keep myself and you, the reader, entertained by finding funny mugshots of random "criminals" and dipshits for your viewing pleasure.
I would like to thank google image search for the endless hours of entertainment that it has given me in the past and will continue to do so in the future. That being said, let's get into it. Let us laugh. Let us be confused. Let us be appalled. Most importantly... let us be glad that this is not us.

It would appear so...

I did some research on this photo and it's true, this picture HAS NOT been altered! Seriously? Fucking look at this gem. I'm not sure what this dude did to get arrested, unless impersonating Mr. Potato Head is an actual crime.

Can you be arrested for being immature? This woman just needs to grow up... and stop prostituting herself for meth. (not sure if that was her actual crime, but it appears that the shoe fits)

Randy Johnson's more attractive, bath-tub drug making older brother?

Never judge a book by it's cover, unless the cover says "I'm a giant fucking tool!"

This IS a legitimate police mugshot... you think a male cop took it? She was arrested for disorderly conduct, but released that day. Weird, who knew a set of D's and a cirlcle jerk down at the station could go such a long way? America, land of gold.

Who the fuck is this guy kidding? I bet you a million dollars this asshole didn't even vote.

Live it up, guy. Live it up. Where you're going, they don't take kindly to jokers like you.

Not shocking that this creep made it into this post.

2 noses, no teeth and a bad hair cut. Sucks to be you.

Ever hear that expression, "the back of your neck looks like a pack of hot dogs?" well, the front of this guy's neck looks like he ate an entire wiener dog.

I guess you can't say this dude hasn't been getting any sun... but I guess the ball cap has been keeping his head shaded while perched out in front of the local elementary school.

I can only speculate that the reason this dude was arrested has something to do with his hair being unfinished... or because he looks like a major asshole.

This dude was arrested for shoplifting. If I were the arresting officer, I'd just let this guy go. I'd be too afraid that he cast a spell on me.

Only god and crack-cocaine know what these eyes have seen.

Half-Beard Man was arrested, but apparently they could only charge the bearded half... go figure that it was the master mind behind the wrong doing.

You think smoking drugs out of a broken lightbulb lined with brilo had anything to do with this guy's arrest? Because I do.
-The Young. The Slim. The Gifted!
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