Welcome to the weekly burnout feature. Now I'm no psychic, hell, I'm not even that smart, but I think it wouldn't be going out on a limb if I predicted this dude to turn up on here again in the near future.

This is Jose Canseco at 47 years old. Boo'd out and banished from MLB in America for the use of illegal steroids and his tell all book narking on several others, this wash out is living a real life season of East Bound and Down. This walking hand grenade of horse shit is now playing triple A ball in Mexico. Not like anyone had any kind of expectations for this talking herpee, but it's a real spectacle to view absolute desperation in a physical form. Take a good look at his face and you shall have a much better idea of what defeat looks like.
Now, I follow this assface on twitter and he's always talking about "the truth" this and "the truth" that... and his latest rants have to do with Jesus being condemned for telling "the truth" and he makes the comparison about him being black-balled for his stupid money making book scheme that blew up in his face. Let me get that straight Jose? You're Jesus now? Sorry bruh, Jesus never did roids or played triple A mexican ball.
Hey Jose, What's rock bottom feel like? You bottom-feeding snitch.