Yep, put that slogan on a tee shirt and I'd wear that bitch every fucking day of my life.
Google Image Search is definitely one of my favorite sources of internet entertainment. When ever I'm bored, I'll just type a random phrase/name/word into the search bar and see what it brings up.
Judge me. I don't give a shit.
Today, I decided that I would type in the phrase "Michael Jordan Dressing Poorly". Oh my, was I in for a real treat. Not only did I find pictures of Michael Jordan dressing poorly, but I found so much more and it'd be unfair of me to keep these gems to my self.
Here let me share with you.
Here's a personal favorite of mine. Cool suit, Jordan.

Michael Jordan is not a Douche Bag, he just looks exactly like one here.

Up in DA CLUB! There's a ton of crap I could say about this photo... like, Mike is holding a cigar, c'mon bro, smoke it or freak dance with white girls. Not both. Or the fact that the only claim to fame stories these college hoochies will ever have sound like,
"One time I let the Duke lacrosse team run a train on me and another time I freak danced with Michael Jordan while he smoked a cigar. Then I blew his agent."

I think I'm missing the joke about the caption, but that's not the point. Our dude looks like Gem! Good one, old boy.

And this is why I love Google Image Search. Not only did it show us all these sweet pictures of Michael Jordan dressing badly, but it also brought forth these prized pigs.
check this fucking guy out. WOW.

God, I love this on so many levels. Obviously the sweat band tops this pic off. Like, dude, you chose to top off your suit with a sweat band...
And dude, you have cornrows...
and what's up with old girl in the back.
check out your date!
I like the corsage, but these people are obviously older, what the fuck are they doing at a prom?
This must be one of those "Make a Wish" foundation events.
I loveit.

Words can't explain and ears don't want to hear...

Vince Neil has the worst friends on earth. Why'd they let him leave the house like this?

Yep, a goonies shirt. This chick is ugly, flat chested and looks like Christian Bail, if he were way into gaming, dungeons and dragons and having a mannequin for a girlfriend.

And here we have "Plants and Pop". Jesus Christ, you fucking stoner. Branch out a little bit.

I hope you enjoyed this. Seriously, give Google Image Search a whirl, start with your name, your pets name... you know do it up. Until next time.