So I haven't really made a legit blog post since my son was born, so I figured I would do so now. This blog is dedicated to Silas to capture his first Xmas ever as a tiny little human being. Here is our subject with his mother. Let's see what cooky adventures he gets himself into.

Here is our hero with my Dad, Mick. A lot of people get all amped up to take pictures of their kids when they're all happy and smiling. That's cool and all, but I seize the opportunity to capture the little amigo at his worst. There will be a time in his life where he wants something and I'll be able to resort back to these files and be able to have photographic evidence of him being an asshole. You can consider this the ace up Papa's sleeve.

That's right, keep getting buck. Daddy and his camera are watching.

Silas and Courtney's mom, Shannon.

Silas opening gifts with my mother, Doris, whom I just found out this year that she does not like to be called, "door ass". Who knew?

Once again, our hero is caught being a jerk.

black cement steeze.

Bo Jackson wore these in the early 90's before he broke his hip. I wear them now and kick and equal amount of ass. Like every day is Super Techmo Bowl.

Little dude got some white cement to match his Pops!

He doesn't always fuss. Sometimes he's really cute.

But other times...

Big man doing big things. Like sitting semi-upright and pretending like he's going to unwrap a gift.

Even though his shirt reads, "cool like dad" which is clearly true... I didn't put him in it expecting people to take it seriously. Congratulations Silas, you're internet famous letting the world know, involuntary,

And that is one day in the life of our hero.
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